
What’s new in Clinivid for September 2021

Written by: InfoMedix

InfoMedix is pleased to announce a series of improvements to the Clinivid product for the second half of 2021. ...

InfoMedix is pleased to announce a series of improvements to the Clinivid product for the second half of 2021.

For customer with an active MDT Meeting subscription, the following changes were made available in production from Monday 13 September 2021.

All changes listed have undergone internal and pilot customer testing to ensure that they all function correctly, however InfoMedix does suggest you run a test meeting and explore the new changes when you are able.

Meeting Module

  • We are now Zoom connected! Clinivid now integrates with Zoom as the teleconferencing provider as well as the inbuilt solution. This requires a Zoom marketplace app installed into your organisation by a Zoom Administrator. For further information search the Zoom Marketplace app for “Clinivid” and see here: https://clinivid.com.au/clinividZOOM.html
  • Additional patient demographic fields have been added when creating a patient, broken into a main section and an additional information section.
    • The main section contains key identifying information for the patient. Please note that all address fields are currently mandatory. The ability to make the address field mandatory or non-mandatory will be introduced in a special feature release within the next month.
    • The additional information captures additional information including general practitioner details. GP details can be entered as free text, or if the GP exists in your contacts directory, you can search for the GP and add rather than keying details in manually.
  • New meeting roles have been added. Refer to the end of this document for a summary table of roles and what each can do:
    • Chair
      • The Chair is a new role designed to facilitate someone running larger meetings. This is an optional role. The chair can invite participants and reviewers, confirm attendance, add patients to the agenda, and other functions listed at the end of this document.
    • Note taker
      • This is a new role that has the ability to take notes for any patient. Note takers cannot nominate patients, but view and edit notes throughout the meeting.
  • Existing meeting roles have been revised
    • Creator (MDT Coordinator)
      • Can now invite new members (users) to your organisation. This has been done to speed up the process of getting the right people in the meeting
    • Reviewer
      • Can no longer invite other participants or other reviewers. The MDT Coordinator/Meeting Creator must invite or change participants
      • Can no longer add patients to the meeting agenda.
  • The creator role remains a special role that has the ability to create meetings, start Zoom conference etc. Please note that creators do not confirm their attendance at meetings as it is assumed they will be attending the meetings they create.
  • Additional field types have been added to template creation:
    • date field
    • short text only (no attachment or upload)
    • drop down list
  • Long text fields now display some additional metadata 
    • Edits to notes show the user name that made the edit as well as date/time.
    • If a note is deleted, it displays with a strikethrough text
    • Where an edit is made by an associate on behalf of a presenting clinician, this is noted underneath the clinician’s name.
  • Updates to calendar ics file download. Please note there is a known Outlook issue where Outlook does not correctly process changes to dates/times, so old calendar files imported may need to be manually deleted. This will be addressed in the next release of updates.
  • We have reformatted the per-patient meeting output so that it looks like a medical record form with a header, border etc. Your organisation name will display top left, meeting details underneath, and then all the information entered in via the meeting template. Attachments will be listed at the end of the PDF.
  • Emails now have time zone disclaimer displayed at the bottom.
  • It is possible to download an agenda as a CSV file. This is useful for large meetings where the agenda might want additional formatting.
  • You can now sort the agenda view by Clinician surname – use the sort button next to the search bar. This sorting then persists to the patients in the presentation view and the printed agenda.
  • If a meeting is created and a cut off number of days is entered that would mean the cut-off date in the past, validation is now in place to warn the user. In this case, cut off date field must be blank.
  • Cancelling an invitation has been renamed to ‘Withdraw invitation’ for consistency
  • Improved handling of image file deletion. This is mostly a backend change, but you should no longer see a progress indicator when trying to open an attachment if an attachment has been previously deleted.
  • In the Presentation view, the Gallery mode now allows edits to data during a meeting. The summary view is now read-only mode.
  • If an attachment to a meeting does not have a native viewer, the user is prompted to download the attachment to view, if you have the permissions to view attachments for a patient. Be aware that this may mean patient-sensitive data is stored on your workstation until you delete it.
  • If a participant was invited to a meeting, and then declines, it is now possible to invite them again and have the email notification generate correctly. Previously email notifications weren’t sent a second time.
  • Meetings cannot be created in the past and patients cannot be added to past meetings.
  • Deleted meetings are now removed from the meeting list once the screen is refreshed.
  • When sending a patient to another future meeting, deleted meetings cannot be selected.
  • When sending a patient to another future meeting, the source and destination templates must be the same. The ability to have mixed templates in a meeting will be available in the next release.
  • Clicking on the logo in the top left no longer logs users out, instead navigates to the default (Cases) tab.
  • When information is added to field in the agenda view, the “No information” placeholder no longer displays for the field as it now has information
  • The iOS app functionality now more closely matches the web app. Please note that some functions such as creating templates, creating Zoom meetings, printing etc should still be done from the web interface on your desktop.
  • Minor bug fixes when the web app is used on mobile devices, for example, accessing the menu bar and resizing of screen.

Cases (Secure Messaging) Module

  • On the iOS app, if you have an integration with your Practice Management System (PMS) or Patient Administration System (PAS), then you can now scan the patient’s ID barcode when creating a new case. This will expedite the patient lookup by MRN, if this is available for your organisation.

Coming soon

MDT on Android is on its way! The Android app currently only supports Secure Messaging, but will soon support MDT meetings. Please note that some functions such as creating templates, printing etc should still be done from the web interface on your desktop.

More on Meeting Roles

A typical Meeting involves more than one type of roles. Meeting roles don’t describe a person, but what they will do in a particular meeting,

For detail on what each role can do, please refer to the Roles Matrix on the next page.


The creator is the MDT co-ordinator who has created the meeting instance and owns and manages all the tasks and activities involved in scheduling a meeting with participants, reviewers, presenters and recipients, sending out calendars and agenda, and then finalising the minutes after the meeting is over.


The chair is a person who will chair the meeting and run the presentation screens using Zoom and Clinivid. The chair has the ability to nominate patients, but cannot create meetings.

Note taker

A user who attends the meeting in the capacity to take notes and add to each patient.


The participant contributes, reviews and presents the cases in the meeting.


The reviewer has access to the Meeting outcomes and is often part of the Meeting, however, they do not nominate patients or provide any information.

Third party information provider

The Meeting coordinator contacts the third party information provider if there is a need for extra patient information.

We have a matrix of the updated roles. Reach out to us at support@clinivid.com.au if you’d like a copy or a demo or simply have a question about Clinivid!

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